
Showing posts from June, 2017

Unit 9: Space + Art

Space + Art Space is beautiful, the concept of space automatically brings on a mindset of wondering. Yes, space is mesmerizing, but it is still somewhat of an unknown to us on earth. There are thousands of planets outside of our solar system, nearly 1800 new worlds, 3,000 that are still waiting for confirmation. Although we are beginning to learn more and more through technological development, do we truly know what is out there? Are we the only living beings in this galaxy? Are there other habitable planets? How big is the actual galaxy? These are questions that we haven't yet figured out answers to. We might not know everything about space, but thanks to many scientists before us we have gotten to the point we are at now.  As far as our foundation of the knowledge of space it initially began with the introduction of their names. Ancient astronomers based the planets names on the Greek Gods. Our ideas of space grew in 1512 when Nicolaus Copernicus published a helioce...

Event Three: Knicker Twister

Event Three: Knicker Twister Me (Top Right) with my teammates & the artist Lander On May 18th I attended "delete me: ucla dma mea 2017 exhibition." along with a few of my teammates. This exhibit that took place on campus was quite interesting, much different than nearly any exhibit I have experienced before. This exhibit made your mind work, it was not simple or easy. You had to study each and every piece and try to put together each artists meaning. The answers were not given to you once you walked in the front door, you had to work at it. The pieces of art made you ponder upon what was going through the minds of these skilled artists while they were putting together these masterpieces. Another aspect that I liked was that most of the pieces were technologically driven. I used to always feel as if artists always wanted to capture the more classic forms of art, more old school forms of art. But you can tell that these artists decided to embrace the new technologi...