I'm in the middle =)

Attending Joteva's beautiful event was very mesmerizing as well as eye opening. When I initially walked in I did not know what was being portrayed around me. I did not understand the purpose or drive behind her pieces of art work. I have never been the most artistic or creative person so I felt very lost or out of loop. So instead of sitting there and missing out on the true purpose I set my pride aside and asked her to teach me what she was thinking with this. But her answer was what kind of caught me off guard. She explained to me that she could not just give me a summary of what she was doing, that it was not as simple as that. It was as if she wanted me to explore her artwork myself, she wanted me to develop my own reasoning, she wanted me to think for myself. The only concept that she explained to me was that there was a past, a present, and future.


This image here was placed as soon as you walked in to the exhibit. After it was explained to me that the image represented the future it made much more sense to me. As stated earlier I didn't know what it meant, or what it purpose was. But that is just like the idea of the future. Nobody knows what is in store for the future. Nobody understands why things happen or what everything means. I believe that Joteva tied this in beautifully, I appreciated the idea of the unknown. This image made me secure within myself, made me feel as if I am not the only one truly unaware of the future.


This image here represents the present. What is shown here is a sphere of ice. On the outer core there are different raw materials, in this image specifically there is imported mushrooms placed all around the sphere. This represents present time because the ice sphere is evolving and changing just like we are. The world and people are ever changing, just as this ice sphere is as it sits out in the open. Not to sound depressing, but this image also tied into present time because it also represented human life to me. This ice is going to melt till it is gone, till there is nothing left, just as a human life. Everyones life will eventually end, it is ticking away without you even knowing. This made me appreciate what I have, and cherish the life I live, because inevitably my ice will eventually drip away.


The idea of the past were represented by images of the unthawed ice projected on three large screens. To me the images represented the idea of life before our experiences. It shows the pure and untouched being we once were. Once life begins you are never the same, you learn, you break down, you are touched and you can never get back to who you once were. These images were beautiful to me, they were similar to a baby picture of human. 

In conclusion, I enjoyed this exhibit. It was very aesthetically pleasing; from the beautiful artwork to the sounds of water drops melting off of the ice spheres. This exhibit has made me appreciate artwork even more, it pushed me to think for myself, and appreciate my own ideas and interpretations.  Something that I needed.


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