Unit 6 Biotech + Art
Biotech + Art
The idea and concept of animal testing is what stood out to me the most out of this weeks material. I believe this might of stood out more possibly because it is a more relevant topic in todays time. Through social media you consistently see images and videos that highlight the issues of animal treatment (PETA). The ideas in this weeks material only highlighted the issue even more to me.
It all started with Joe Davis's experimentation on a albino bunny, the experiment used transgenic art using genetic engineering. He utilized florescent jellyfish DNA/genes to make the albino bunny glow. This was an ethical issue because there now became an argument on the idea of where is the boundary between the respect of a living thing or a person's art? This same strategy was done by Osamu Shimomura where he instilled the same genes within a mouse. These are not the only experiments used on animals, concepts like these are used everyday when it comes to chemical testing, testings substances like shampoos and hygiene products. Also the issues of animals being bulked up to an unhealthy size and fed steroid like food for their meet is something commonly seen.

Mac, Eduardo. "GFP Bunny." GFP BUNNY. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2017.
Society, New England Anti-Vivisection. "Animals in Science / Research." Harm and Suffering. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2017.
"The Chicken Industry." PETA. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 May 2017.
Tmichellebufkin, /. "The Truth about “Hormone Free” Chickens." The Truth About Agriculture. N.p., 16 Dec. 2016. Web. 15 May 2017.
UCtelevision. "Animal Biotechnology." YouTube. YouTube, 25 July 2008. Web. 15 May 2017.
I am interested in the animal issues part too. You made a very good point about the boundary between a life and a risky experiment. The fact is the very often nothing could replace the animal in an biotech experiment. In my view, I think that reasonable sacrifices are inevitable for the development of biotechnology, but it is important for scientists and artists to be thoughtful and responsible to their controversial acts.