Unit 8 Nanotech + Art

Nanotech + Art Before reviewing this weeks material, if you would have asked me what nanotechnology and nano-science were I would have described you a image or concept from a movie. In all honesty I did not know if nanotechnology is something us as humans had a control over or something we could utilize for good. In movies it was all for menacing plot schemes by evil villains who wanted to simply destroy, but in reality it can be used for positivity and health reasons. (Nanometer bomb from G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra) Nano is dwarf in greek, the word "nanotechnology" derived from Nario Tanniguchi from Tokyo University of Science in a press conference in 1974. But Richard Feynman is credited for initiating the concept as he discussed the idea of Nanotechnology 15 years beforehand through his lecture in 1959. He talked about the shrinkage of the nanoscale laws, as well as how the behavior of nanoscale oblates can be used to create new effects. Feynman saw the potential...